Guidelines for the Application Process

How to apply

Only applications submitted via our website will be accepted. Apply here.

You can choose to register on this website to enable you to save the progress of your application. This means you will not lose any data you have inputted if you need to come back to it later, before submission. Register here.

You can still complete the form without registering first.

  • The Hainsford Charitable Foundation will consider applications from Individuals and / or Charities which accord with its objectives to improve social mobility by supporting initiatives aimed at increasing access to further education for disadvantaged young people and widening broader training and educational opportunities which address  needs created by poverty, abuse and discrimination.
  • The Hainsford Charitable Foundation will not fund any projects which do not fulfil this criteria and will concentrate primarily on educational based Charities.
  • Applications will only be accepted 2 x per annum in March and September each year.
  • It is the expectation of the Charitable Donations Committee to make grants/awards on 30th April and 31st October each year. We will contact you with the results of your application after these dates.

Apply now

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria will be as follows to ensure fairness and accountability

  • Ability to carry out the project or proposed programme

  • Significant need

  • Clear measurable benefits to the individual or charity

  • Clear guidelines on how to assess effectiveness